Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An Architype of High Arches

I have the highest arches this side of St. Louis. My arches are so high, you could drive a large order of golden french fries under them. When I leave a footprint in the sand, the ball and the heel are not connected, if you know what I mean. And I mean that.

No, I’m not talking about my eyebrows, my friends, I'm talking about my feet. And as such, I have to purchase shoes with caution. Shoes that go over the top of my foot may rub, like gladiators and mary janes. Sling-backs or low-sided shoes are my arch-enemy.

My arches don’t cause me any pain. But I do wish I could find a brand of shoes that were designed with a high arch in mind. Maybe the high-arch architect of the shoe world. Can you relate?

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